
See AI Bring the Most Important Historic Photos to Life

The Kiss of Life by Rocco Morabito (1967)


Life-Saving Moments
AI breathes life into Rocco Morabito’s powerful 1967 photograph, “The Kiss of Life.” Watch as the electrician administers mouth-to-mouth resuscitation to his unconscious colleague, bringing an intense and heroic moment into motion. The gravity of the situation is palpable, and the animation captures the urgency and hope of this life-saving act.

Rescue in Real Time
The animation adds a heartbeat to this dramatic rescue, showing the valiant efforts of the hero as he fights to revive his friend. The subtle movements and tension-filled expressions highlight the sheer determination and quick thinking that saved a life. AI turns a powerful photograph into an even more compelling story of heroism and survival.


See AI Bring the Most Important Historic Photos to Life

See AI Bring the Most Important Historic Photos to Life