
17 Unbelievable Deep Ocean Animals You Must See

Pelican Eel

Elastic Gullet
The pelican eel is a true oddball of the ocean, with a mouth that can open wide enough to swallow creatures much larger than itself. This deep-sea resident looks like a cross between an eel and a pelican, with a massive, elastic jaw that can stretch to ridiculous proportions. It’s the ocean’s version of a stretchy toy—if that toy were also terrifying.

Deep-Sea Gulper
Despite its name, the pelican eel is more of a deep-sea gulper, using its huge mouth to scoop up prey in one gulp. Its tiny eyes and glowing tail add to its bizarre appearance, making it one of the ocean’s most peculiar predators. Imagine a creature that could gulp you down in one bite—thankfully, it’s content with smaller fish.


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