
Boldest Prison Escape in US History – Alcatraz Escape

Planning the Great Escape

The Ingenious Plan
Morris and the Anglin brothers crafted their escape plan with the precision of a Swiss watch. They used makeshift tools to widen the ventilation ducts in their cells and set up a secret workshop in an unused corridor. These guys were like the MacGyvers of prison breaks. Their plan was both audacious and cunning, showcasing their resourcefulness and determination to achieve the impossible and escape Alcatraz.

The Tools of Escape
With spoons, saw blades, and an improvised drill, they slowly chipped away at the concrete. They even fashioned life vests and a raft from raincoats. The sheer ingenuity of their plan was like something out of a heist movie – and it was about to get real. Their ability to create effective tools from everyday items demonstrated their creativity and adaptability, key factors that contributed to their eventual success.


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