
Boldest Prison Escape in US History – Alcatraz Escape

The 1962 Escapees – Frank Morris

The Mastermind: Frank Morris
Frank Morris, the brainiac behind the 1962 escape, had an IQ higher than the Golden Gate Bridge. He was a seasoned criminal who’d escaped other prisons before. Alcatraz was supposed to be his final stop, but Morris had other plans – like a one-way ticket out of there. Known for his exceptional intelligence and resourcefulness, Morris quickly became the leader of the group, orchestrating a meticulously detailed escape plan that would go down in history.

Morris’s Life Before Alcatraz
Morris wasn’t your average crook. Before landing in Alcatraz in 1960, he had a rap sheet filled with armed robbery and burglary. His knack for slipping out of prisons made him a perfect fit for Alcatraz’s “escape-proof” promise. Little did they know, Morris was just warming up. His previous escape attempts were mere practice runs for the grand escape he was plotting, turning his time at Alcatraz into a countdown to his most daring breakout.


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