
Boldest Prison Escape in US History – Alcatraz Escape

The 2013 Letter from John Anglin

The Shocking Revelation
In 2013, a letter allegedly from John Anglin popped up, claiming the escapees survived. John, supposedly battling cancer, offered to surrender in exchange for medical treatment. The letter turned the case on its head and reignited the mystery. It was like a plot twist straight out of a crime novel. The tantalizing possibility that the escapees had lived in hiding for decades captivated the public once again.

Police and Public Response
The letter sent the police and public into a frenzy. The FBI analyzed it but couldn’t verify its authenticity. The letter brought new life to the decades-old escape saga, making everyone wonder if the escapees had been hiding in plain sight all along. It was like an unsolved puzzle with one last piece missing. The renewed interest in the case underscored the escape’s lasting impact on the public’s imagination.


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