
Revealing the Luxurious Life of British Royal

Peculiar Entertainment

The Strange Games

Forget about regular board games. The Royals engage in unique and often bizarre games. Historically, they played human chess, where real people moved on a giant board. Modern Royals might indulge in elaborate murder mystery parties or falconry, where they train and hunt with birds of prey. These games and activities are designed not only to entertain but also to demonstrate their wealth, sophistication, and deep-rooted traditions.

Exclusive Club Activities

Socializing takes place in private clubs so exclusive that membership is a closely guarded secret. Activities at these clubs include fox hunting, fencing, and even competitive tea brewing contests. Some clubs have their own shooting ranges, where the Royals practice their marksmanship with antique firearms. Others host elaborate masquerade balls where attendees dress in historical costumes, enjoying evenings filled with intrigue and grandeur.


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