
16 Terrifying Facts About Asylums in the 1900s

Lobotomies: Cutting Away Sanity

Lobotomies Gone Wrong
Enter the lobotomy, a brain surgery introduced by Portuguese neurologist António Egas Moniz in 1935. The idea was to stick an ice pick-like instrument into the brain and scramble things around a bit. The result? A “cure” that turned vibrant individuals into docile zombies. It spread like wildfire across Europe as a miracle solution for mental illness, despite its horrific consequences.

Tragic Outcomes
Many patients emerged from lobotomies with their personalities erased. Once vibrant and lively individuals were reduced to a vegetative state, unable to perform basic functions. Rosemary Kennedy’s infamous case is just one of many where the procedure left individuals permanently damaged. The lobotomy, hailed as a breakthrough, was a devastating practice that ruined countless lives.


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