
15 Animals with Fewer than 100 Left on Earth

Majestic Giants on the Brink

The Gentle Giants of Galápagos
The Galápagos giant tortoises (Chelonoidis phantasticus) are truly majestic creatures, known for their slow-paced lifestyle and impressive longevity, often reaching over 100 years old. They primarily munch on cacti, fruits, and leaves. Once numbering in the thousands, these gentle giants now count only about 80 due to illegal hunting and habitat destruction. It seems humans have a knack for turning everything into soup or decoration.

Shell Shock
These tortoises are not just slow movers but essential gardeners, helping to maintain the ecosystem by spreading seeds. Imagine your garden without a diligent, slow-moving landscaper. Protecting them ensures that the unique biodiversity of the Galápagos remains intact. Let’s not let these ancient creatures become mere legends in children’s stories.


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