
Revealing the Strict Rules of Royal Funerals

Lying in State

Public Viewing

The body of the deceased royal is placed in a state of repose, allowing the public to pay their respects. This often takes place at a significant location, such as Westminster Hall. The coffin is adorned with the royal standard and other symbols of the deceased’s rank and status. Thousands of people queue for hours to file past the coffin, reflecting the deep respect and admiration held for the royal family.

Security and Organization

The lying-in-state period is carefully organized to ensure the safety and security of all attendees. Security measures are heightened, and volunteers assist with crowd control. This period can last several days, during which time the public can visit and pay their respects. The solemn atmosphere is maintained throughout, with many visitors expressing their condolences and gratitude for the deceased royal’s contributions to the nation.


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