
17 Crappy Designs That Make You Wonder

Overpackaged Cookie Chaos

Behold, the packaging triumph of our times: a packet of cookies, each lovingly swaddled in its own plastic blanket within the main package. It’s the perfect embodiment of wastefulness, as if each cookie needed its own little sleeping bag. This trend not only screams “environmental disaster” but also adds a layer of irony to the term “convenience.” Consumers are left with more plastic than cookies, prompting a collective eye roll and a cry for sustainable sanity.

Individually wrapped cookies might offer the illusion of portion control, but the environmental cost is sky-high. This example is a stark reminder that while convenience is nice, the planet might appreciate a bit less plastic. Companies should aim for eco-friendly packaging that doesn’t leave consumers feeling like they’ve just unwrapped a small landfill. After all, a cookie should bring joy, not guilt.


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