
17 Crappy Designs That Make You Wonder

Maze of Mayhem

Imagine a maze so poorly designed it’s like trying to find the end of a rainbow – fun in theory, but utterly impossible. This maze’s design flaw makes it a frustrating, never-ending puzzle, perfect for teaching kids the valuable life lesson that sometimes, things just don’t make any sense at all. It’s a masterclass in how not to design an engaging activity, leaving users disappointed and longing for simpler challenges, like untangling holiday lights.

A good maze should balance complexity with solvability, providing that sweet satisfaction of victory. This maze, however, is a one-way ticket to frustration city. It’s as if the designer decided to channel their inner trickster instead of a thoughtful puzzle maker. This serves as a hilarious yet cautionary tale for future designers: test your puzzles, or risk unleashing an army of confused and disgruntled maze enthusiasts.


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