
15 Tricks to Make Friends with City Animals

Pigeons – The City Dwellers

Pigeon Habits
Pigeons are the quintessential city birds, often seen flocking around parks, plazas, and busy streets. These birds are highly adaptable, feeding on a variety of urban leftovers and nesting on buildings and bridges. They are social creatures, usually moving in large groups, and are known for their distinct cooing sounds. Despite their ubiquity, pigeons have an impressive homing ability, often returning to the same spot after long flights.

Making Friends with Pigeons
To befriend pigeons, patience and a handful of birdseed are your best allies. Start by visiting a local park and scattering some seeds around you. Sit quietly and avoid sudden movements as pigeons can be skittish at first. Over time, they will associate your presence with food and may even eat directly from your hand. Always approach them calmly, and remember, a slow and steady demeanor wins the pigeon’s trust.


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