
15 Unexplained Animal Behaviors You Won’t Believe

The Revenge of Crows

Feathered Vendettas

Crows are incredibly intelligent, but did you know they hold grudges? These crafty birds can remember human faces and will enact revenge on those who wronged them. So, if you ever anger a crow, be prepared for a lifetime of aerial ambushes. They’ve been known to dive-bomb unsuspecting foes years after the initial offense. Talk about holding a grudge!

Crow Court

Even more astonishing, crows hold what appears to be “crow court.” When a crow breaks the social rules, others will gather around and seem to judge the offender. The punishment can range from being shunned to outright attacks. It’s like they have their own legal system, complete with judges, juries, and executioners. Justice served, crow-style.


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