
Ultimate Yoga Benefits for Heart Health

The Ancient Origins of Yoga

From Sacred Cows to Downward Dogs
Yoga, originating from the ancient Indian subcontinent, has a history steeped in spiritual and physical practices. Legend has it that yoga was created by sage Patanjali, who probably didn’t foresee his teachings leading to spandex-clad enthusiasts worldwide. Despite its holy roots, yoga has evolved into a universal fitness trend, balancing both mind and body in today’s hectic lifestyle.

Stretching Through the Ages
Initially a practice for monks and ascetics, yoga has come a long way from its solemn beginnings. Ancient yogis practiced it in serene ashrams, while today’s yogis might be found in bustling city studios or even on paddleboards. This transition highlights yoga’s adaptability and its perennial appeal across centuries, making it a timeless remedy for modern stress.


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