
Top Tips for Staying Cool This Summer

Create a Cool Oasis at Home

DIY Air Conditioning Hacks
If you don’t have air conditioning, there are still ways to keep your home cool. Place a bowl of ice in front of a fan to create a makeshift air conditioner. Close your blinds or curtains during the hottest part of the day to block out the sun. These simple tricks can make a big difference in maintaining a comfortable indoor temperature. Use light-colored curtains to reflect heat and switch to cooler bedding materials like cotton or bamboo sheets.

Cool Down Your Living Space
Consider using light-colored curtains to reflect heat, and switch to cooler bedding materials like cotton or bamboo sheets. At night, open your windows to let in the cooler air and use fans to circulate it throughout your home. With a few strategic changes, your home can become a cool haven even in the hottest weather. Using ceiling fans to circulate the air and keeping windows open at night can also help to cool your living space.


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