
What Do Cats Really Mean When They Bite

Playful Predators

Instinctual Play
Cats are natural hunters, and their play often mimics predatory behavior. When they bite during playtime, they’re not trying to hurt you but rather engaging in a bit of instinctual fun. It’s a miniature reenactment of a hunt, just with less deadly consequences. These playful nips are their way of honing their hunting skills, keeping themselves sharp and ready for any real prey that might come their way.

Practicing Their Skills
Play bites are also a way for cats to practice their hunting skills. By nipping at your fingers or toes, they’re honing their abilities, ensuring they’re always ready for any toy mouse or bug that crosses their path. This behavior is deeply ingrained in their DNA, a remnant of their wild ancestors who relied on these skills for survival in the wild.


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