
What Do Cats Really Mean When They Bite

The Love Bites

Showing Affection
Believe it or not, cats sometimes bite to show affection. These so-called “love bites” are gentle and meant to express their fondness for you. It’s a quirky way of saying, “I love you,” without uttering a single meow. These nibbles, often occurring during petting sessions, are a blend of affection and playfulness, reflecting the complex and sometimes contradictory nature of feline love.

Overstimulation Response
Cats can be funny creatures. One moment they’re purring contentedly, and the next, they’re biting. This usually happens when they’re overstimulated by too much petting. It’s their way of telling you, “That’s enough, thank you.” Cats have a threshold for how much affection they can handle at once, and when that limit is reached, a quick bite serves as their polite but firm request for personal space.


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