
15 Ingenious Animals of the African Savannah

Ingenious Hyenas: Survival Tacticians

Mother Knows Best
Spotted hyenas might have a bad rap, but these cunning critters have a social structure that would make even the most organized human families jealous. In hyena society, it’s the ladies who call the shots. Female hyenas rule the roost, and they pass their high-ranking status down to their offspring. This girl-power hierarchy ensures that the strongest genes prevail, helping the clan thrive in the cutthroat world of the savannah.

Resourceful Scavengers
While hyenas might be famous for their scavenging habits, they’re not just the cleanup crew of the savannah—they’re top-notch hunters too. With jaws strong enough to crush bones, they can munch their way into the nutritious marrow that other predators leave behind. This adaptability means hyenas can feast on a smorgasbord of food sources, earning them the title of the savannah’s most versatile survivors.


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