
15 Funniest Shopping Signs You’ll Ever See

Mixed Signals

Come On In… Or Not
Talk about mixed signals! The bold “Come on in…” sign is proudly displayed above the entrance, yet the store is clearly closed with signs on the doors stating “This store is now closed.” It’s as if the store is playing a cruel joke on potential customers or maybe just having an identity crisis. Anyone approaching would definitely do a double-take, scratching their head in confusion and probably laughing at the contradiction.

This paradoxical invitation leaves you wondering if it’s a test of persistence or a hint at some deeper meaning. Perhaps it’s the store’s way of saying goodbye with a touch of humor. Either way, it’s a brilliant example of how a simple sign can turn a mundane closed store into a source of amusement. Next time you see conflicting signs, take a moment to appreciate the unintended comedy.


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