
15 Animal Detectives Who Helped Crack Major Cases

Pig Detects Intruder

Priscilla’s Persistent Oink
In 2008, a pig named Priscilla in South Carolina proved that pigs aren’t just for farms; they can be home security systems, too. Priscilla’s loud and continuous oinking alerted her owners to an intruder. The noise scared off the would-be burglar, who was later caught by the police. Priscilla’s vigilant oinks made her an unlikely but effective crime stopper.

Unlikely Guardian
Priscilla’s vigilance showed that even farm animals could be deterrents against crime. Her persistent oinks provided an early warning system that helped protect her owners and their property. This case demonstrated that with the right instincts, any animal could play a part in keeping their humans safe, even if they’re not your typical guard dog.


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