
Only These People Remain The Same Lifestyle From 300 Years Ago

Introduction to the Amish

Who Are These Mysterious People?
Ever wondered who those people in the horse-drawn buggies are? Meet the Amish, a group who decided that the 18th century was peak human civilization and collectively said, “Let’s not change anything ever again.” They’ve got their bonnets, beards, and buggies and have been rocking the same style since before electricity was cool. If you’re into minimalism, you’ll find their lifestyle both fascinating and slightly bewildering.

A Brief History
The Amish originated in Switzerland and Germany in the 16th century. Fast forward to the 18th century, they moved to North America to escape persecution. Since then, they’ve been living a life that makes a vintage store look cutting-edge. Their communities are tightly-knit, valuing simplicity, faith, and family above all. They reject most modern technologies, sticking to their roots and preserving a lifestyle from centuries past.

The Amish Dress Code

Fashion Faux Pas or Timeless Elegance?
Ever see someone wearing the same outfit every day and think, “That’s a bold choice”? For the Amish, it’s not just a choice; it’s a way of life. Their clothes are handmade, simple, and devoid of the latest fashion trends, which means you won’t find any Amish folks at a Versace sale. They prioritize modesty and uniformity, avoiding anything that might foster vanity or competition among their community members.

No Buttons, No Problem
Buttons are a big no-no in Amish attire. Instead, they use hooks and eyes. Why? Because buttons are just too fancy, apparently. So, the next time you’re struggling with a zipper, remember: it could be worse—you could be wrestling with a hook and eye. This choice is rooted in their commitment to humility and simplicity, avoiding any form of adornment that might be considered prideful or ostentatious.


Horsepower, Literally
While the rest of us are worrying about gas prices and electric car charging stations, the Amish are cruising around in horse-drawn buggies. It’s like living in a perpetual episode of “Little House on the Prairie.” Their buggies are the ultimate eco-friendly vehicles, and parking is never an issue. Plus, you get the added benefit of a built-in workout when you have to take care of your horse.

The Ultimate Commute
Imagine your morning commute involves a horse named Bessie. While everyone else is stuck in traffic, you’re trotting along, enjoying the fresh air and clip-clop of hooves. Sure, it takes longer, but you’ll never have to worry about road rage—unless Bessie’s having a bad day. This method of travel is not only sustainable but also reinforces their connection to nature and traditional ways of living.


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