
Only These People Remain The Same Lifestyle From 300 Years Ago

Marriage and Family Life

Matchmaker, Matchmaker
Marriage is a big deal for the Amish. They usually marry within their community, and courtship is a well-structured process. No dating apps here—just good old-fashioned face-to-face interaction. It’s like “The Bachelor,” but with more bonnets and fewer roses. Their approach to marriage emphasizes compatibility, shared values, and long-term commitment over fleeting romantic notions.

Big Families, Bigger Hearts
Amish families are typically large, with many children. It’s not uncommon to see families with eight or more kids. They believe in the biblical command to “be fruitful and multiply,” and they take it very seriously. More kids mean more helping hands on the farm. This emphasis on large families and strong family bonds is central to their way of life, ensuring the continuation of their traditions.


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