
18 Crappy Product Designs That Will Make You Laugh Out Loud

A Deviled Egg Dish with an Odd Number of Egg Slots

Oh, the irony! You excitedly prepare deviled eggs for your party, only to find your fancy dish has an odd number of egg slots. That lone egg stares back at you, an outcast in its own tray, making you wonder if this was designed by someone with a wicked sense of humor. Your guests, meanwhile, will be left arguing over who gets that last deviled egg, adding a dash of unintentional drama to your gathering.

But wait, there’s more! This quirky design isn’t just an inconvenience; it’s a conversation starter. Imagine the puzzled looks and the giggles as you explain the mystery of the odd egg out. Who knew a simple deviled egg dish could bring so much unintentional hilarity to your gathering? It’s like the designer wanted to ensure every party has a talking point. Well, congratulations, mission accomplished!


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