
16 Unspoken Rules Duchess Kate Middleton Lives By

The Duchess Must Wear a Hat

Kate Middleton’s Hat Dilemma
Can you imagine what it would be like to have to wear a hat whenever you go out in public? In previous decades, it was considered improper for a woman to go out in public without a hat and it looks like this tradition has kept a hold with the royal family. As a result, women in the royal family, like Kate Middleton, are urged to wear hats whenever they go out in public.

Hats and Tiaras: A Royal Choice
If they are going to an event that is both indoors and outdoors, she has the option to switch from a hat to a tiara when going between the locations. It’s not just about fashion; it’s a symbol of tradition and elegance that the Duchess of Cambridge must uphold at all times. Imagine the pressure of choosing the perfect headgear for each occasion!


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