
Incredibly Expensive Things Found Only in Dubai

Helicopter Car Taxis

Estimated Value: Unknown
Producer: Unknown
A universal annoyance for drivers worldwide is the dread of being caught in traffic jams. In Dubai, a futuristic solution has been implemented to bypass the congested streets: helicopter taxis transporting vehicles of the affluent and renowned. Observers from high-rise buildings like the Burj Khalifa witness these aerial car services navigating the city skyline, offering a novel escape from traffic woes.

This innovative service kicked off in 2017, pioneered by a German startup, marking the inception of the world’s first airborne taxi operation. The service utilizes eighteen-rotor autonomous air taxis (AATs) supplied by Volocopter. Although not a budget-friendly option, with a group fare around $144 per person for six passengers, it presents a unique, albeit expensive, alternative to traditional road travel.


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