
Clever and Original Hacks That Make Every Lady’s Life so Much Easier

Clever and Original Hacks That Make Every Lady’s Life so Much Easier

Why work harder when you can work smarter? Ladies, it’s time to make life easier. So we’ve compiled some time-tested and reliable tips that help things go just a little more smoothly. They’re helpful to learn at any age and are great time savers. We’ll cover tips concerning razors, hygiene products, hair, clothes, housekeeping, and more. But truthfully, while these hacks are geared towards ladies, everyone can benefit from at least one or two of these life hacks. Intrigued? Keep scrolling to find out more.

No Matches to Light Your Candle? Head to Your Kitchen Cupboard for This Clever Pasta Trick

Here’s a handy trick that might make you wonder why it never crossed your mind before. Struggling to light a candle that’s nestled deep within its holder using a short match often leads to frustration, with the match burning out before it can do its job. However, a quick detour to your kitchen cupboard can provide a simple yet effective solution.

Just take a single strand of uncooked spaghetti. Light one end with a match, lighter, or directly over your stove if you have a gas burner. This will allow you to easily light even the most stubbornly placed candle wicks. What’s more, discovering how readily spaghetti catches fire might give you ideas for other uses, like keeping a packet in your car as a convenient fire-starter for camping trips.


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