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16 Strict Rules the Royal Family Must Follow

The Queen’s Handshake Rule

Formal Greetings Only
Royal family members must follow a strict protocol when it comes to greeting people. Unlike the rest of us, they can’t just give a casual wave or a high five. Nope, it’s all about the formal handshake. The handshake must be done with poise and grace, making sure to set the tone of royal elegance from the get-go. It’s a gesture that speaks volumes about their status and upbringing.

Only Shake Hands with the Right People
Not only must they perfect the art of the handshake, but they also need to know exactly who they should be shaking hands with. It’s a hierarchical minefield out there, and only certain people are deemed worthy of this honor. So next time you meet a royal, remember, their handshake isn’t just a greeting—it’s a royal decree! This ensures they maintain the proper decorum at all times.


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16 Strict Rules the Royal Family Must Follow