
Helpful Hacks for Becoming a Better Cat Owner

Touch Their Paws Frequently to Make Trimming Easier

Cats can be reluctant to have their claws trimmed, but you can make the process easier by getting them accustomed to having their paws handled. Gently touch or hold their paws during calm moments together, like when you’re petting them or they’re relaxed. The key is to integrate this gently and consistently without overdoing it or causing irritation. By making paw touching a regular, non-stressful experience, your cat is more likely to remain calm during claw trimming sessions.

Introducing regular paw touching can help your cat perceive it as a playful or comforting interaction, making them more relaxed when it’s time to trim their claws. As they grow accustomed to this gentle handling, they may become more cooperative during grooming sessions and even more affectionate or inclined to cuddle, associating your touch with positive experiences.


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