
Helpful Hacks for Becoming a Better Cat Owner

Deep Food Bowls Can Annoy Your Cat

The depth of your cat’s food bowl might not be something you usually consider when shopping for pet supplies. However, it’s an important factor to keep in mind. Deep food bowls can irritate cats because their whiskers are highly sensitive. When their whiskers constantly touch the sides of the bowl while eating, it can be uncomfortable and unenjoyable for them.

According to PetMD, deep food bowls can cause “an information overload that stresses out your cat.” To avoid this, try to look for shallower bowls the next time you’re shopping.

Most Cats Don’t Like Belly Rubs

If your cat lets you rub its belly, it’s a sign of great trust. However, most cats are not fond of belly rubs, especially from unfamiliar people, as the belly is one of the most vulnerable spots on their bodies. It’s usually best to avoid giving belly rubs to new cats until they have built trust with you.

Again, we’re not saying that cats don’t like to be petted there, but they are usually more protective of this area than other parts of their body.


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